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I follow a pretty regular git workflow on my projects:

  • All my features are derived from a master branch
  • I merge my feature with master only after a code review (If I work with several people on the project, I ask them. Even If I’m alone on the project, I still use Github’s Pull Requests to review myself).

My Git Cheatsheet

Delete a local / remote branch

git branch -D branch_name #locally
git push origin --delete branch_name    #remote

Create a branch from a commit

git checkout -b branch_name a9c146a09505837ec03b

Copy the changes from a certain commit

git cherry-pick can be a life savior if well used (ex: when you merge a feature A, a feature B after and you want to revert feature A).

git cherry-pick commit_hash

Know which files you edited

git status

Add a file

git add filename

Reset your working tree

(careful with this command, you’ll loose all your local changes)

git checkout *

Save your local changes without commiting them

Stashs are very convenient specially when you switch a lot between multiples branches (features).

git stash save my_changes_name

View my saved stashs

git stash list

Apply a saved stash

git stash apply my_changes_name

Other Git tips

  • Do your best to commit only working stuff. It’s easy to handle in case of reverts afterwards.
  • Avoid the command git add . Be aware of the changes you’re pushing from your working tree.
  • Never force-quit (CTRL + C) while doing git checkout. I did it once because I was impatient and it was taking couple of seconds. If it takes a long time, it means there are a lot of files being fetches. If you do so, your working tree will be a mess.